We are here to help

Here you will find answers to your questions, useful information and practical instructions.

You could be interested in

Where is my parcel?

You can follow the route of your parcel from the moment the online shop hands it over to us online or directly in the mobile application.

Parcel storage period extension

Don’t have time to pick up the parcel? No problem. You can easily extend the storage period directly in the mobile application.

Packeta mobile application

You can send, receive or share parcels through our app. It also offers the possibility parcel tracking, cash on delivery payme...

Send parcels with Packeta

Send parcels in a few clicks, simply via our mobile app. You can find our drop-off points on every corner.

What can the pick-up points search engine do?

By using pick-up points, you support local entrepreneurs who you may already know personally. It makes us and you happy.

Package dimensions

Are you sending a parcel? Take a look at useful information on proper packaging, dimensions and weight limits.

Simple instructions

Pick up, pack, send and share the parcel simply thanks to video instructions.

How to pick up a parcel from Z-BOX?

How to use the Packeta app for easy parcel pick-up from Z-BOX and cash on delivery payments.

How to submit a parcel via Z-BOX?

What parcel can you send?

How to pack the parcel properly?

Frequently asked questions and answers

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